February 23, 2025

Miloli`i to Kakio Point and Puu Hinahina Bay-May 15, 2010

milolii-hinahina-bayThis hike will be approximately 8 miles roundtrip. This is not a hike for the faint of heart.

On Saturday, May 15, 2010 the Kona Hiking Club will hike a labyrinth of trails that traverse across beautiful sandy beaches, thorny keawe forest, a’a and pahoehoe lava fields in the Miloli’i area. The hike will be roundtrip approximately 8 miles in length along a coastline trail. There will be an opportunity to view Ahole Holua (Slide) and where the Hawaiian ancestors lived along the coastal shores of Hawaii. This hike will be relatively level with approximately 0.0’ -100’ elevation gain starting from the shorelines of Miloli`i. For more info about the area:


Although the shoreline is rocky, there is access to Miloli’i Beach Park for swimming and snorkeling after the hike.

Some areas of the hike can be strenuous across the lava fields. Hikers need to be prepared for potentially warm, sunny weather with little or no shaded areas; however, rain or overcast is always a possibility. On one section we need to cross along the high tide line for a short distance while staying close to a private property wall. Depending on the tides this could be wet. Be prepared to get wet or remove shoes.

Each hiker must bring at least 2 liters of waterand may bring any snacks or food you desire, a hat, sunscreen, closed-toed shoes although hiking boots and hiking sticks are highly recommended. The keawe forest section has many thorns that can easily penetrate soft soled shoes.

From Kona, drive approximately 30 miles south to around Mile Marker 89, Turn right onto Miloli’i Road, drive approximately 5 miles to the end of Miloli`i and park at Miloli`i Beach Park in designated parking area.

We will meet in the parking area at the end of Miloli`i Drive at 7:30 a.m. There will be two carpool locations for participants desiring to do so. One group will meet at 6:00 a.m. at Keauhou Shopping Center in Keauhou and depart no later than 6:15 a.m. Please park well away from the businesses on the makai side of the parking lot in front of Longs Drugs. Another group will meet in the Kealakekua Ranch Center upper parking lot (near Ace Hardware) at 6:15 a.m. and depart by 6:30 a.m. The Center is located on Mamalahoa Hwy. at the intersection of Kiloa Rd. between the 110 and 109 mile markers. Hike leaders will not be present at the Kealakekua carpool location. Visitors as well as residents are welcome to participate — there is no charge. Carpoolers are encouraged to contribute toward gasoline costs.

For additional information, please phone Alice at 938-1491 or 322-6481.

PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, PLEASE make sure that you direct them to the Kona Hiking Club website to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, whether we’re facing mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!

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