February 23, 2025

Puna Trail Project/Hike at Hā‘ena (Kea`au) Beach-October 20, 2012

haena-beachOur “Lā Ho‘āla Ala Hele” Event




When: October 20, Saturday, 9:00 am



What: This is the first volunteer day in a cooperative project between E Mau Nā Ala Hele, the state’s Nā Ala Hele Program, and the landowner, WH Shipman Ltd., to improve the trail head of the popular Puna Trail hike that starts in Kaloli and extends to Kea‘au Beach.

Volunteers are needed to do some painting at the new parking area and some trail cleaning and clearing. That day will also be our annual observance of Lā Ho‘āla Ala Hele (Trail Revitalization Day), when we reflect upon the importance of the Highways Act of 1892 and renew our commitment to mālama the living legacy of historic Hawaiian trails.

The hike is is a 3-4 hour sojourn on one of the more remote and isolated coasts left in East Hawaii. The actual trail is a little over four miles long, but because of the rolling chunks of lava, thick sticky mud and huge puddles it takes some navigation skills and a bit of stamina. http://myhawaiianhome.blogspot.com/2009/02/shipmanhaena-beach-hidden-gem-of-puna.html

Where: From Kea‘au Town take Hwy. 130(Kea‘au to Pāhoa Rd.). Turn left on Kaloli Dr., which passes through Hawaiian Paradise ParkSubdivision. Continue all the way makai on Kaloli Dr. until you get to Beach Road. Turn left on Beach Road and continue a short way till you reach the parking lot. (Drive takes about 30-40 minutes from Hilo.)

Bring: Gloves, sun protection, mosquito repellent, drinking water, shoes for hiking, swim suit, lunch (plan to hike to the beach and eat lunch there). E Mau will provide cold drinks at the trail head and hand tools will be loaned by the state.

Volunteers will receive a beautiful Puna Trail tshirt, especially designed for this project.

RSVP & Questions:

Email or call Deborah Chang at: hkulaiwi@yahoo.com; 776-1516

NOTE: At least once a year, the Club forgoes its monthly hike in favor of a community cleanup project. Generally, this is the statewide Malama ‘Aina day.

We strive to provide more than just exercise in a beautiful setting for our participants. Many friendships and even a romance or two have been forged at Club events. Also, Club leaders attempt to share something of Hawaiian history and culture during our hikes, either by educating ourselves beforehand about the areas we visit, or by inviting a guest speaker when appropriate.


For carpooling from Kona, meet at Keauhou Shopping Center makai of Long’s at 5:45 am and leave by 6:00 am. Call Alice Walker at 322-6481 or 938-1491.


For all other questions call Kathleen at 557-9246.


“Lā Ho‘āla Ala Hele” (“Trail Revitalization” Day)

Commemorating the Law of the Splintered Paddle, The Highways Act of 1892,Nā Ala Hele (the statewide trail and access program), the Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail Act, and the right to use public trails.

In its regular meeting on April 21, 2004, the Hawaii County Council passed Resolution 161-04: A Resolution Acknowledging and Recognizing the Second Saturday of October as “Lā Ho‘āla Ala Hele” Day (“Trail Revitalization” Day), which commemorates the long history of trails and support for the right to travel safely on trails in Hawai‘i. 2012 marks the ninth year E Mau Nā Ala Hele will celebrate the day. To avoid conflict with the Ironman race on the second weekend, we will celebrate on the third weekend of the month.

If you cannot join us in Puna for Lā Ho‘āla Ala Hele, find another area where you can get out and “give life to the trails!”

 “The Highways Act of 1892”

“All roads, alleys, streets, ways, lanes, courts, places, trails and bridges in the Hawaiian Islands, whether now or hereafter opened, laid out or built by the Government, or by private parties, and dedicated or abandoned to the public as a highway, are hereby declared to be public highways.”

— By order of the Queen’s government — Liliuokalani

PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, PLEASE make sure that you direct them to the Kona Hiking Club website to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, whether we’re facing mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!

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