March 31, 2025

`Iole Volunteer Trail Cleanup and Hale Dedication-November 17, 2012

SAM_8687When: November 17 Saturday, 8:30 am




What: This volunteer day is a cooperative project between Sierra Club and Kona Hiking Club and representatives of landowner, Bennett Dorrance, to improve the trails at beautiful `Iole. This one of many scheduled service project days at `Iole.

Volunteers are needed to do some trail cleaning and clearing. The more hands we have helping “lau lima” we can finish early and have time for a special hike.

This day will also be a dedication for the beautiful new Hale Waawaa built by dedicated volunteers including many during a six day workshop.

`Iole Hiking Trail Info:

Kona Hiking Club fully supports the trails of `Iole. It’s rare for a private landowner to so fully open their arms to the public. `Iole is a very special place come see for yourselves.

Where: 53-496 ‘Iole Road, Kapa’au, HI 96755

Directions from Highway 19 (Queen Ka’ahumanu Highway):

At the intersection of Highway 19 (Queen Ka’ahumanu) and Kawaihae Road, drive toward Kawaihae Harbor, then turn right onto Highway 270 (Akoni Pule) toward Mahukona and Hawi. Continue east through Hawi Town and Kapa’au Town. Drive a half mile past the statue of King Kamehameha in Kapa’au Town and turn right onto ‘Iole Road. You will also see a wooden Bond Historic District sign at the intersection of Highway 270 (Akoni Pule) and ‘Iole Road. As you continue up ‘Iole Road, you will see organic macadamia nut orchard on your left hand side. Turn right when you see a wooden ‘Iole sign. Park and proceed to the office for check in.

Bring: Gloves, sun protection, mosquito repellent, water bottles, shoes for hiking.

An awesome catered lunch will be provided for Volunteers.

RSVP & Questions:

Email KHC or call Kathleen at 557-9246.

NOTE: At least once a year, the Club forgoes its monthly hike in favor of a community cleanup project. Generally, this is the statewide Malama ‘Aina day.

We strive to provide more than just exercise in a beautiful setting for our participants. Many friendships and even a romance or two have been forged at Club events. Also, Club leaders attempt to share something of Hawaiian history and culture during our hikes, either by educating ourselves beforehand about the areas we visit, or by inviting a guest speaker when appropriate.


For carpooling from Kona, meet at Buns in the Sun at Lanihau Shopping Center at 7:00 am and leave by 7:15 am. Call Alice Walker at 322-6481 or 938-1491.

For all other questions call Kathleen at 557-9246.

PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, PLEASE make sure that you direct them to the Kona Hiking Club website to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, whether we’re facing mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!

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