January 29, 2025

`Iole’s Bond Forest and Upland Loop Trails-July 19, 2014

Bond ForestNM-Hikers-over-the-hillThe Kona Hiking Club will explore the beautiful Bond Forest Trail at `Iole formerly known as New Moon Foundation in the north Kohala Mountains on Saturday, July 19. This Bond Forest Trail hike is approximately 4 miles. The first half is a steady uphill climb via the Upland Loop (~400’ elevation gain) to the Bond Forest Trail which is a .8 mile  uphill loop. We will return on the via the  opposite side of the Upland Loop Trail. For  those hikers wishing to explore more there is a  choice of two gulch trails closer to the `Iole  offices. `Iole is located at the old Bond Estate  grounds and is reached by taking the Akoni Pule  Highway (270) turnoff from the Highway 19  junction at Kawaihae. Continue through Hawi and Kapa’au. From the King Kamehameha statue it is 0.5 miles to Iole Road (also marked Bond Estate). Turn right and continue up the road until you see the New Moon Foundation buildings on the right. Turn in the driveway and park in the parking areas. See www.newmoonfoundation.org for more information. Meeting time is at 8:30 a.m. Please arrive promptly for pre-hike announcements and signing of waivers for both the Kona Hiking Club and `Iole. Please allow approximately 1 1/4 hours for the drive from the Kona area by way of Hwys 19 & 270. Hikers should wear closed toed shoes and be prepared for possible rain showers. Sun and mosquito protection are also recommended, along with two quarts of water and a sack lunch and/or snacks. Hiking sticks may also be useful on the downhill portion.  You may choose to enjoy your lunch at the park near the car parking area after the hike, food items may be left in the cars.

Those desiring to carpool from Kailua-Kona may meet at Lanihau Center, in the vicinity of Buns in the Sun, away from businesses. Carpoolers should meet at 7:00 a.m., be prepared to organize themselves if no hike leader is present, and depart no later than 7:15 a.m. Carpoolers are encouraged to contribute toward gasoline costs.

For more information,  please call Joan at 987-1869.

PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, please direct them to this website to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, which may include conditions such as mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!

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