January 22, 2025

Punalu`u-Kamehame, January 19, 2019- RSVP

On Saturday, January 19, the Kona Hiking Club will hike roundtrip from Punalu`u to Kamehame Beach. THIS HIKE LOCATION CHANGE IS DUE TO HVNP CLOSURE.

We will meet at 9:00 a.m. at Punalu`u Black Sand Beach on the mauka side of the parking lot across from the restrooms. The entrance is located on highway 11, between mile markers 55 and 56 on Ninole Loop Road.
We plan on hiking approximately 6 miles round trip. Hikers should be prepared for hot weather and/or rain. Sturdy boots, a hat, rain jacket and hiking stick are recommended as well as sunscreen and sunglasses. Most of hike is at the same elevation along the coastline, but will be over lava rock and 4wd roads. Two liters of drinking water plus a lunch is recommended. Follow this link to read more about this hike: https://bigislandhikes.com/punaluu-to-kamehame/

Visitors as well as residents are welcome to participate, and there is no charge. For additional information, please RSVP Kathleen at 557-9246 or email konahikingclub@gmail.com

PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, PLEASE make sure that you direct them to this website to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, whether we’re facing mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!

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