January 22, 2025

Kiholo Bay Service Project-Hui Aloha Kiholo-Oct 19, 2019-RSVP Now!

RSVP required by October 15 for this upcoming event on Saturday, October 19:

Kona Hiking Club is partnering with Hui Aloha Kiholo for Ka Loko o Kīholo Restoration Work Day on Saturday, October 19, 2019 for our annual Kona Hiking Club service project from 9:00am – ~2:00pm

Hope you can join us!

This is a special opportunity to give back to the land that we enjoy.

After the project there will still be time for those who want to renew their energy with a refreshing swim and/or a hike 🙂

With your kokua, our Kona Hiking Club team we will be helping to clean up the fishponds will make space for native plants to thrive, reduce sediment inputs into the fishpond, and improve water quality for fish to grow.

To sign up please RSVP either by email konahikingclub@gmail.com or call me at 557-9246 to confirm you will be able to join us and to help Kiholo Hui Aloha plan the best use of their resources for the day.

Scroll down for information about the project and what you need to bring with you.  Remember to check back here before the event for any changes or updates.

Hope to see you all soon! Kathleen

To get to Kiholo Bay take the unpaved public access road which is just south of the Scenic Overlook on the makai side between the 82mm & 83mm on Queen Ka’ahumanu highway. Before the end of the road go right and follow the road to the “round house”.

Potluck Lunch (12:00-1:00pm)
Drinks, Water & Rice will be provided

Please bring:
Hat/sunscreen/Bathing Suit
Hiking Boots/Tabis (Water Shoes)
Protective Clothing
Water Bottle
Hand tools
Beach Chair

Pu’u La’au Road to Summit of Ahumoa-September 21, 2019- HIKE CHANGE! ACCESS ROAD R1 CLOSED

On Saturday, September 21, the Kona Hiking Club will hike up Pu’u La’au Road to the summit of Ahumoa, a large cinder cone visible from the Saddle Road. This hike is an easy to moderate 4 mile (round trip) hike on a 4-wheel drive road with some rough and deep ruts. The hike will take approximately 2+ hours. The elevation here is approximately 7000 feet.

Ahumoa is located on the southwest slope of Mauna Kea within the Ka’ohe Game Management area. We will be entering a hunting area – it is important to stay on the road/trail and dress appropriately in bright, colorful clothes. The route passes through open Mamane-Naio-Iliahi native dry land forest. Common native forest birds and the endangered Palila (Hawaiian finch found no place else in the world aside from the upper slopes of Mauna Kea) may be sighted in the vicinity of the road. On a clear day, walking around the summit of Ahumoa offers 360-degree views of the Big Island.

We will meet at 9:00 a.m. near the Kilohana Hunter Check-in Station at the 43.5 mile marker just off Saddle Road (Hwy. 200). When coming from Kailua-Kona on the Daniel K. Inouye Highway, turn left and the check-in station is on the right side of Saddle Road. Directly across Saddle Road (on the left  side), is a large graded area where we will meet and leave most of the vehicles. Park on any unvegetated area adjacent to the road.

Hikers should wear colorful attire and hiking boots. Bring water (2 liters), sun protection, and lunch or snacks. You may also want to bring binoculars for possible bird viewing, and a hiking stick.

Participants desiring to carpool from Kailua-Kona may meet at Lanihau Center at 7:45 a.m., and depart no later than 8:00 a.m. Please park well away from the businesses in the corner of the parking lot near Daylight Mind.  A club leader may not be at the carpooling area; so hikers should organize themselves for a timely departure. Visitors as well as residents are welcome to participate. There is no charge, but carpoolers are encouraged to contribute toward gasoline costs.

For additional information, please phone Kathleen at 557-9246.

PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, PLEASE make sure that you direct them to the Kona Hiking Club website to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, whether we’re facing mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!

Pebbles Beach to Old Fishing Village-May 18, 2019/Potluck – RSVP

On Saturday, May 18, 2019, the Kona Hiking Club will hike from Pebbles Beach (Kaohe) to an old fishing village. On the way back to Pebble Beach we will hike to the top of a pu`u at the edge of the shoreline. This pu`u is refered to as Pig Pu`u by one resident.

We will hike 1 ½ miles along a shoreline trail to old fishing village for a total of 3 miles roundtrip. This hike is moderate due to lack of shade and hot and dry conditions and the climb up the pu`u. Swimming/snorkeling is possible at a pebble beach, conditions permitting; however, no lifeguard is available.

We will have our long snack break at this spot. A fellow hiker and resident, Martin, has generously offered to host a potluck at the beach. His is bringing a cooler and chipolte black bean burgers. Let me know what potluck you can bring.

Hikers need to be prepared for potentially warm, sunny weather and/or rainy weather. Wear closed-toed shoes, hat, bring hiking sticks, binoculars, sun protection, lunch or snack and at least two liters of water per person.

For some interesting reading about the area:


Those wishing to carpool from Kailua-Kona should depart no later than 7:45 a.m. Please park well away from the businesses. For questions about carpooling call Kathleen @ 557-9246. Visitors as well as residents are welcome to participate — there is no charge. Carpoolers are encouraged to contribute toward gasoline costs.

Participants must call for details as the number of cars allowed to park in this private subdivision at Kona Paradise will be limited.

For additional information or RSVP, please phone Kathleen at 557-9246 or email: konahikingclub@gmail.com

PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, PLEASE make sure that you direct them to http://konahikingclub.com to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, whether we’re facing mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!

Lapakahi State Historical Park to Kapa`a Park-April 20, 2019- RSVP

The Kona Hiking Club will walk along the shoreline on the Ala Kahakai National Historical Trail on Saturday, April 20, 2019 in the Kohala area. This hike will be about 4 miles roundtrip near shoreline with minimal elevation change but sometimes challenging terrain due to some rocky areas and kiawe forest.

Swimming/snorkeling (weather permitting) will be available at Mahukona in the middle of the hike if desired. Hot, dry, and windy conditions are common here.

We will be hiking from the old Hawaiian fishing village of Lapakahi to Kapa`a and return to Lapakahi. Participants are requested to wear appropriate hiking shoes and carry two liters of water. Hiking sticks are advised for the sections over loose rock. Participants should wear closed-toes shoes and bring at least two liters of water per person. A broad-brimmed hat, polarized sunglasses, sunscreen, a snack or lunch, and binoculars (whale season!) are also recommended. A picnic lunch may be eaten at Lapakahi State Historical Park upon return.

Visitors as well as residents are invited to participate. Kailua-area carpoolers should meet at 7:30 a.m. and leave by 7:45 a.m. from Lanihau Center. Please park well away from the businesses, in the corner of the lot near “Daylight Mind”. A hike leader will be present at the carpool location. There is no charge, but carpoolers are encouraged to contribute toward gasoline costs. Others may meet at 8:45 a.m. at the parking lot at Lapakahi State Historical Park (near mile marker 14 on Highway 270-Akoni Pule Hwy).

For RSVP and more information, including detailed directions, call Kathleen @ 557-9246 or email: konahikingclub@gmail.com

For more hiking area information follow these links:




PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, PLEASE make sure that you direct them to the Kona Hiking Club website to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, whether we’re facing mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!

Punalu`u-Kamehame, January 19, 2019- RSVP

On Saturday, January 19, the Kona Hiking Club will hike roundtrip from Punalu`u to Kamehame Beach. THIS HIKE LOCATION CHANGE IS DUE TO HVNP CLOSURE.

We will meet at 9:00 a.m. at Punalu`u Black Sand Beach on the mauka side of the parking lot across from the restrooms. The entrance is located on highway 11, between mile markers 55 and 56 on Ninole Loop Road.
We plan on hiking approximately 6 miles round trip. Hikers should be prepared for hot weather and/or rain. Sturdy boots, a hat, rain jacket and hiking stick are recommended as well as sunscreen and sunglasses. Most of hike is at the same elevation along the coastline, but will be over lava rock and 4wd roads. Two liters of drinking water plus a lunch is recommended. Follow this link to read more about this hike: https://bigislandhikes.com/punaluu-to-kamehame/

Visitors as well as residents are welcome to participate, and there is no charge. For additional information, please RSVP Kathleen at 557-9246 or email konahikingclub@gmail.com

PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, PLEASE make sure that you direct them to this website to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, whether we’re facing mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!

The Great Crack Hike in Ka’ū-December 15, 2018-RSVP

This hike is changed to an out and back hike.On Saturday, December 15, we will visit The Great Crack near the south boundary of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. This will be about a 4+ mile out and back hike with shuttle to the trailhead near 47mm where there is limited parking. Our hike will take us to an upper portion of The Great Crack, an 8 mile long, 60 foot wide and 60 foot deep crack in the surface of the earth and we will follow the crack southeast toward the corner of the park boundary. From there we will re-trace out steps back out to Highway 11. Since we are shuttling I need everyone to RSVP if planning to join us.
For more info about the area:
We will meet at Punaluu Bakery in Naalehu at 9:00 a.m. ( for Malasadas!). To get to the starting point of The Great Crack we will take Highway 11 towards Volcano. The starting point is between the 46 and 47-mile marker, on the mauka (mountain) side of the road is a paved pullout, and on the right side of the road is an overgrown dirt road. We will park our shuttle vehicles at the pullout.
The weather is typically hot and dry with very little shade. Hikers should wear closed toed shoes, carry hiking sticks and bring at least two liters of water, snacks, and sunscreen.
For additional information & RSVP, contact Kathleen Johnson at 557-9246 or konahikingclub@gmail.com
PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, PLEASE make sure that you direct them to the Kona Hiking Club website to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, whether we’re facing mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!

Koai’a Tree Sanctuary/Kohala Forest-November 17, 2018 -RSVP needed!

The Kona Hiking Club will visit Koai’a Tree Sanctuary in Kohala on Saturday, November 17. The hike will be about 3 miles round trip, over hilly and uneven terrain. Part of the hike will be a 3/4 mile nature trail and the rest a steep uphill/downhill walk in/along the stream bed. There will be an optional hike into the Kohala Forest.
150 years ago, instead of unending grassy pastures, a mesic (moist) forest blanketed the middle-elevation leeward slopes of Kohala Mountain. This unique koaiʻa-mamane-naio-ʻiliahi forest once covered more than 40,000 acres, and was home to one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems in Hawaiʻi. What do we have left of this massive forest? A few scattered native trees, and a little 13-acre plot of forest. Yup, that is it. The direct result of the impacts of humans and their domestic animals.
Since about 1960, that 13 acres has been fenced and protected as the Koaiʻa Tree Sanctuary, under the care of the State DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife. Itʻs all that we have left, and Kohala Watershed Project is doing their best to care for it, to mālama both the ancient trees and the new growth.
It’s important to clean your shoes prior to the hike to avoid bringing in invasive seeds/weeds. A boot brush will be available before the hike.
There is very limited parking area near the trail area, carpooling is recommended. Carpoolers can meet at Lanihau Shopping Center near Daylight Mind. Please park away from the businesses. While there is no charge for carpooling, anyone doing so is encouraged to chip in for gasoline. A hike leader will not be at this location. Arrive by 7:15 and prepare to leave by 7:30 am. This should get us to the trailhead near 5mm on Kohala Mtn Rd around 9:00 am.
The weather on the mountain is somewhat unpredictable, so be prepared for rain, although sunny weather is possible as well. Hikers should wear closed toed shoes, carry hiking sticks and bring at least two liters of water, snacks, and sunscreen.
For additional information, contact Kathleen Johnson at 557-9246.
PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, PLEASE make sure that you direct them to the Kona Hiking Club website to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, whether we’re facing mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!

Pu’u O’o Trail Horse & Foot Trail-September 15, 2018

On Saturday, September 15, 2018, the Kona Hiking Club will hike Pu’u O’o Trail Horse & Foot Trail off Saddle Road. This long, moderately challenging hike will take approximately 6 hours. The hike is a total of about eight miles. The rocky trail is fairly level overall, with many short up and down segments as it travels through old pahoehoe with lava tubes and a’a lava fields, interspersed with forested kipuka. Wet, chilly, or foggy conditions may be encountered as the elevation is 5,800 feet.

Pu’u O’o Horse & Foot Trail is a historic cattle drive trail across the eastern saddle, just west of, and parallel to, Kulani Powerline Road. It begins at the eastern end of Kipuka ‘Ainahou, and intersects Powerline Road after 4 miles in the last kipuka near the edge of the 1984 lava flow, before diverging again.. The trail crosses a wide variety of saddle habitats, in which you can find nearly every remaining species of the endemic forest bird on the island – only the palila is absent. We will be entering a hunting area – it is important to stay on the road/trail and dress appropriately in bright, colorful clothes.

Kailua-area carpoolers may meet at 7:15 a.m. and promptly at 7:30 a.m. from Lanihau Center. Be prepared to organize your own carpool. Please park well away from the businesses, in the corner of the parking lot near Baskin Robbins. The hike will start at 9 a.m. at the Pu’u O’o trailhead, located between mile markers 22 and 23 on the Saddle Road. The gravel parking area is right on the edge of Saddle Road near the 22.5 mile point, and is marked with the signs shown here.  Anyone wanting to arrive 1/2 hour early can swing by Kipuka 21 (left side on 21mm) to view native birds from outside the fenced area.  Visitors as well as residents are welcome to participate. There is no charge, but carpoolers are encouraged to contribute toward gasoline costs.

Hikers should wear colorful attire and hiking boots. Bring water (2 liters), sun protection, rain jacket, and lunch or snacks. You may also want to bring binoculars for possible bird viewing, and hiking sticks.

For additional information or carpooling, please phone Kathleen at 557-9246

or email konahikingclub@gmail.com.


PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, PLEASE make sure that you direct them to the Kona Hiking Club website to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, whether we’re facing mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!

Pu’uhonua o Honaunau to Ke`ei Beach-January 20, 2018-RSVP

Kona Hiking Club will hike from Pu’uhonua o Honaunau to Ke`ei Beach on Saturday, January 20. This will be a relatively easy, one-way, 4.5 mi. hike on a portion of the Ala Kahakai Trail recently cleared by a few concerned citizen volunteers from the  area.

This will be a coastline (although not necessarily shoreline) hike, and warm weather should be anticipated with some shaded areas. The hiking surface will be wide and relatively smooth dirt and rock. There are no significant climbs.

Each hiker should carry a minimum of 2 liters of water, wear a hat and hiking boots or closed-toe shoes, carry a hiking stick, use plenty of sunscreen, and bring any snacks or food you may desire.  Consider bringing a lunch to either eat at Ke`ei Beach or Pu’uhonua o Honaunau.

Hikers should meet at 8:00 am at the Pu’uhonua o Honaunau National Historic Park parking lot and from there we will organize the carpool/shuttle drivers for staging at Ke`ei Beach. Please keep in mind that admission to the Park will be charged unless the driver or a passenger of the vehicle has a park pass.

Anyone wishing to carpool may meet at the Lanihau Shopping Center in the vicinity of Daylight Mind at 7:00 am and depart by 7:15 am. Please park well away from the businesses. Carpoolers are encouraged to contribute toward the cost of gasoline.  A hike leader will not be present at the carpool location.  Be prepared to organize your own carpool, if necessary.

Visitors and guests are invited and anyone choosing to attend should be provided with a copy of this hike description so they will know what to expect and be properly prepared. They should also be referred to this website (www.konahikingclub.com) for complete safety information.

If you have any questions and for RSVP, please call Kathleen at 557-9246 or RSVP to konahikingclub@gmail.com

Palm Trail Loop at Kahuku unit of HVNP-July 21, 2018

On Saturday, July 21, 2018 the Kona Hiking Club will visit the Kahuku Unit of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

“Palm Trail Hike” is an moderate 2.6 mile, loop traversing scenic pasture along an ancient cinder cone, with highlights that include relics of the ranching era, sections of remnant native forest and fascinating volcanic features from the 1868 eruptive fissures. We may have a ranger guide along for interpretation.

An additional hike may available offered.

Here are some links to help you with your enjoyment of this newer unit of HVNP:



We will have our lunch/snack break at along the trail. Hikers need to be prepared for potentially warm, sunny weather and/or rainy weather. Wear closed-toed shoes, bring hiking sticks, binoculars, sun protection, lunch or snack and at least two liters of water per person.

We will meet at 9:00 AM at the Kahuku gate at Kahuku Rd (mauka) located between 71mm & 70mm and park near the restroom. There Palm Trailhead is accessible by 2WD vehicles.

Those wishing to carpool from Kailua-Kona should depart no later than 7:45 a.m. Visitors as well as residents are welcome to participate — there is no charge. Carpoolers are encouraged to contribute toward gasoline costs. For additional information, please phone Kathleen at 557-9246 or konahikingclub@gmail.com

PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, PLEASE make sure that you direct them to http://konahikingclub.com to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, whether we’re facing mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!