RSVP required by October 15 for this upcoming event on Saturday, October 19:
Kona Hiking Club is partnering with Hui Aloha Kiholo for Ka Loko o Kīholo Restoration Work Day on Saturday, October 19, 2019 for our annual Kona Hiking Club service project from 9:00am – ~2:00pm
Hope you can join us!
This is a special opportunity to give back to the land that we enjoy.
After the project there will still be time for those who want to renew their energy with a refreshing swim and/or a hike 🙂
With your kokua, our Kona Hiking Club team we will be helping to clean up the fishponds will make space for native plants to thrive, reduce sediment inputs into the fishpond, and improve water quality for fish to grow.
To sign up please RSVP either by email konahikingclub@gmail.com or call me at 557-9246 to confirm you will be able to join us and to help Kiholo Hui Aloha plan the best use of their resources for the day.
Scroll down for information about the project and what you need to bring with you. Remember to check back here before the event for any changes or updates.
Hope to see you all soon! Kathleen
To get to Kiholo Bay take the unpaved public access road which is just south of the Scenic Overlook on the makai side between the 82mm & 83mm on Queen Ka’ahumanu highway. Before the end of the road go right and follow the road to the “round house”.
Potluck Lunch (12:00-1:00pm)
Drinks, Water & Rice will be provided
Please bring:
Hat/sunscreen/Bathing Suit
Hiking Boots/Tabis (Water Shoes)
Protective Clothing
Water Bottle
Hand tools
Beach Chair