March 28, 2025

General Information

Our hikes generally range from about four to eight miles in length. In order to avoid the summer heat at low elevations, we do most makai (shoreline) hiking during the winter months. We have hiked numerous portions of the Ala Kahakai, which runs around much of West Hawai’i at or near sea level. These include areas in the districts of North and South Kohala, North and South Kona, and Ka’u.

Our mauka (upland) hikes in recent years have included Kalopa State Park, Pu’u Wa’a Wa’a, the summit area of Mauna Kea, Mud Lane, and the Pu’u O’o trail on Saddle Road. Although we are guaranteed access to most makai trails by State law, public access to many mauka trails has been lost or is threatened because they cross private property.


At least once a year, the Club forgoes its monthly hike in favor of a community cleanup project. Generally, this is the statewide Malama ‘Aina day in October.


Finally, we strive to provide more than just exercise in a beautiful setting for our participants. Many friendships and even a romance or two have been forged at Club events. Also, Club leaders attempt to share something of Hawaiian history and culture during our hikes, either by educating ourselves beforehand about the areas we visit, or by inviting a guest speaker when appropriate.



Recently, KHC’s permission of group access to a private property was revoked because a hiker trespassed and when approached used the excuse that they had hiked there before with KHC.  KHC has never condoned this kind of behavior that hurts the enjoyment for the whole group.


PLEASE NOTE: All members are welcome to bring guests or pass on information about our hikes to other hikers. However, if you do so, PLEASE make sure that you direct them to the Kona Hiking Club website to review the hike announcement and description. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the specific hike we are doing that day, whether we’re facing mud, heat, cold, steep trails, rocky trails, high altitude, exceptionally long distances, etc. Mahalo for helping us keep everyone safe!